Articles, Conferences, Journals and Patents
This article accompanies the IdentityNORTH Winter Workshop session held 02-17-2021 entitled Will Decentralized Identity Satisfy the Needs and Risks of Open Banking?
Privacy by Design Identity Architecture Using Agents and Digital Identities, Kalman C. Toth, Ann Cavoukian and Alan Anderson-Priddy, Annual Privacy Forum, Lisbon, Portugal, Oct. 22-23, published by Springer:
Privacy by Design Identity Architecture: Verifiably Owner-Controlled Identity using Agents, Kalman C. Toth, Ann Cavoukian and Alan Anderson-Priddy, IdentityNorth Virtual Summit, Toronto, Canada, June 17-18, 2020:
Privacy by Design Architecture Composed of Identity Agents Decentralizing Control over Digital Identity, Kalman C. Toth, Ann Cavoukian and Alan Anderson-Priddy, proceedings of the Open Identity Summit, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 26-27:
Self-Sovereign Digital Identity: A Paradigm Shift for Identity, Kalman C. Toth and Alan Anderson-Priddy, comments by Ann Cavoukian, IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine, Vol. 17, No. 3, May/June 2019:
Privacy by Design using Agents and Sovereign Identities, Kalman C. Toth and Alan Anderson-Priddy, IFIP-SEC Work in Progress and Emerging Research Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal, June 25-27, 2019:
Architecture for Self-Sovereign Digital Identity, Kalman C. Toth and Alan Anderson-Priddy, Computers Applications in Industry and Engineering (CAINE), New Orleans, LA, USA, Oct. 8-10, 2018
Brewing Next Generation Identity, Kalman C. Toth , Annual Pacific NW Software Quality Conference (PNSQC), Portland, OR, USA, Oct. 12-14, 2015
US Patents
Electronic Identity and Credentialing System, #9646150, May 9, 2017.
An electronic credentialing system that enables personal devices to interoperate where each device has an installed identity engine [identity agent] that acquires, holds, issues and uses electronic identities.
Methods for Using Digital Seals for Non-Repudiation of Attestations, #9900309, Feb. 20, 2018.
Enables a person having a personal device and electronic identities to create a digital seal that affixes the owner’s identity and attestation to an electronic artifact such as a transaction, document or identity.
Systems and Methods for Registering and Acquiring E-Credentials using Proof of Existence and Digital Seals, #10127378, Nov. 13, 2018.
Combining the digital sealing method with a proof-of-existence method, digital identities can be registered which relying parties can verify to ensure they were registered by the owner or an attesting owner.
Architecture & Methods for Self-Sovereign Digital Identity, #10756906, Aug 25, 2020.
The US Patent and Trademark Office recently granted and published this patent specifying methods for verifying, validating and exchanging self-sovereign identities and using them to delegate consent to access private data.
Methods for Identity-Proofing, Attestation and Replacing Passwords with Digital Identities, submitted Aug. 25,2020.
Specifies methods for proofing and attesting digital identities and using digital identities to authenticate a web user when accessing web services.